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fall up造句

"fall up"是什么意思  
  • A shell had fallen and while we waited three others fell up the road .
  • They fall up againstyou and everything . [ laughs ]
  • They fall up againstyou and everything . laughs
  • It burst into a flame , and where its light fell up on the wall it became as transparent as s veil , and she could see into the room
  • Sudden as winking the ornery old cretur went an to smash , and fell up against the man , and put his chin on his shoulder , and cried down his back , and says : " alas , alas , our poor brother - gone , and we never got to see him ; oh , it s too , too hard !
    一眨眼间,那个老东西下流胚就连身子也撑不住了,一下子扑到那个人身上,把脸颊伏在他肩膀上,对着他的后背哭了起来,说道: “天啊,天啊,我们那可怜的哥哥啊他走啦,我们竟然没有能赶上见一面。
  • It's difficult to see fall up in a sentence. 用fall up造句挺难的
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